Online Safety

E-Safety Song – October 2021

Online Safety

We are aware of parental concerns regarding the latest information about MOMO and the risks to children.  As a school we will provide age appropriate guidance on Internet/Social Media/Gaming safety, however, it will probably be useful to parents to consider parental controls and the other advice available for parents to ensure the online safety of their children.

Keeping your child safe online

If your child has a phone or tablet, you may wish to consider some monitoring software to keep a parental eye on what they’re doing. There are plenty available to download, some are free some you have to pay a small subscription. An article explaining some of the more popular monitoring apps can be seen HERE.

For advice and instructions on setting up the most popular devices (parental controls, internet filters etc.) see the Internet Matters website HERE.

If you are buying a new game for your child, make sure you are happy with it first. Just because “everybody else has got it” doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for your child. Check on the Common Sense Media website first – click HERE.

Step Up to Online Safety

Useful information for parents/carers can be found on (“Here to Help You Every Step of the Way”) and in particular the Step Up to Online Safety section.

O2 and NSPCC online safety helpline

0808 800 5002

Some issues are easier to talk through.  So O2 and the NSPCC have set up a free helpline to help parents keep children safe online.

You can get advice from NSPCC experts on anything your not sure about, including:

  • setting up parental controls on your computer and other devices
  • Adjusting privacy settings
  • Understanding social networks
  • Concerns about online gaming

cyber-safe-staffordshire-logoLinks to lots of leaflets and information regarding online safety

Online safety Information

Information about setting parental controls

Parent Guides

Practical Advice

Government website – – Practical advice and information on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation.

Staffordshire County Council are a lead partner in a child sexual exploitation information campaign (March 2016).  This website has a wealth of useful and practical information, advice and support to help parents understand the signs and know what to do in cases of child sexual exploitation.

‘Be activities wise’ – advice for parents –